Rather than supplying or consuming what is served, Africa’s growth requires us to dig deep into that which brings us together. This conference is here to explore what thought leaders from Africa are enacting to create a common, integrated approach to practically address the challenges of our time. The goal: creating integrated solutions to common challenges that can be implemented in the fields of health, education, religion, psychology, business, arts, science, politics and spirituality. Having valuable and tested maps to do so will help us move from just being a place on ‘the’ map to being recognised as the innovative, creative thought leadership centre of the world that it is. The conference will offer forums for thinking integrally: taking on multiple perspective approaches to see more widely and deeply, engaging in true self-knowledge (individually & collectively); sharing & engaging with you (who are us) in digging deep into applied wisdom. Thinkers and practitioners can explore new ways of being and doing in order to cultivate innovative, impactful, holistic and developmental interventions into the communities in which we work while also reaching into our communities who do not have access to skills and knowledge. Our hope is that these collaborative connections will enable you to resource both yourself and others more effectively towards healing a very fractured world.